A. Private healthcare institutions B. State healthcare institutions Non-Healthcare Institutions
The founders of private healthcare institutions are obliged to make an application for private healthcare institutions to the competent regional Chamber to which they belong based on the address of the institution. For the application of a private healthcare institution, it is necessary to submit:
Physicians employed in a private healthcare institution can be registered with the Chamber only after the founder of the private healthcare institution makes an application for the institution to the competent regional Chamber. Application form for private healthcare institutions (.doc)
State healthcare institutions are obliged to make an application for state healthcare institutions to the competent regional Chamber to which they belong based on the address of the institution. For the application of a state healthcare institution, it is necessary to submit:
Application form for state healthcare institutions (.doc)
The founders of private non-healthcare institutions, as well as general managers of state non-healthcare institutions which employ physicians are obliged to make an application for their institutions to the competent regional Chamber to which they belong based on the address of the institution. For the application of a non-healthcare institution, it is necessary to submit:
Physicians employed in a non-healthcare institution can be registered with the Chamber only after the founder, person responsible, or one of the physicians employed at that institution makes an application for the institution to the competent regional Chamber. Application form for non-healthcare institutions (.doc)